Saludos Brujas y Brujos. This is one of my favorite topics.....the ouija board.
These talking boards were extremely popular from 1900 through the 1950’s. At one time almost every home in America had one.
During the mid 1800’s at a time when the supernatural, spiritism and connecting with the dead peaked everyone’s interest ouija boards became popular and many people employed them as a parlor game. Adolphus Theodore Wagner was the first patented ouija boards, in London, England on January 23, 1854. In the patent, Wagner called his invention a “psychograph” and its purpose was to read the minds of people with “nervous energy”. Hmmm....what an idea.... lets find out what’s going on in the minds of the unstable.
In 1861, a Frenchman named Allan Kardac, described the ouija board as an instrument used to open communications with the spirit world. This is when the ouija board evolved from a mind-reader to a way of communicating with the dead.
Years later a guy named William Fuld got his hands on the idea, made a few changes and patented his new boards, afterwards selling his patent to Parker Brothers in 1966. The original boards are nothing like the ones we see today. Parker Brothers marketed the boards under the tagline, “It's only a game - isn't it?” Other people have also ran with the idea and made money from it.
In the 1920’s the ouija board was so popular that many of the large newspapers ran weekly columns on how to use the boards. I would love to get my hands on these original newsprints.
These boards were so popular that Norman Rockwell was inspired to paint an ouija cover for the May 1st 1920 edition of the Saturday Evening Post and believe it or not there were at least 2 popular songs written about them which were released in the 1920's. One such song was “Wee Gee” and a line from that song goes something like this..... “Wee gee, wee gee, tell me do, tell me if my loving baby loves me” ... sounds kinda hip huh? The Ouija Board has been manufactured now for over 100 years.
I’m sure many of you, like myself, have dabbled in the mystery of this phenomena. Knowing the potential and dangers of this board I’m not sure how they can get away with selling it to kids since it’s always found in the toy department and sold as a game. This is not a game I would purchase for anyone. Think about it..... This board has no electronically moving parts, and no batteries, it’s just a flat surface that you set a plastic pointer on top. Yet when you place your hands on the planchet it begins to move without any force of your own. So..... what is moving the pointer? Some of you have to know what I’m talking about....you can feel a “force” or “something” moving it....right?
In my opinion you are actually linking to the world of the spirit. What spirit? All of them! You can never be sure who comes through. It doesn’t matter if you have asked to speak with Aunt Molly or Uncle Albert. Asking to speak to a specific person does not guarantee that you will. The ouija brings many spirits, good and evil. Lower level spirits are known to lie and pretend to be someone you know, making the unsuspected user believe they have contacted their loved one. You can always ask for proof by having them answer a question that only Aunt Molly would know......but in your mind you know the answer.....just by thinking the answer you give it away.....your thoughts are instantly heard by the spirits, telepathically. Even if you don’t consciously sit there thinking of the answer to your question you already gave them the answer just by coming up with the question. Did I lose you? Why did you choose that particular question? Duh, because you know the answer, you already had the answer in your mind the moment you thought of the question.
Aleister Crowley told how he used the ouija board and that was put into text by Edward Cornelius. A friend of mine turned me on to the book titled “Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board” pictured above. It’s an interesting read for curious minds.
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