Sunday, September 12, 2010

Red Brick Dust

I just wanted to share a little bit about red brick dust. This stuff is so awesome that screenwriter, Ehren Kruger, included the use of it in his film “The Skeleton Key”. If you haven’t seen the movie, make it a point to rent it, you’ll love it.

Red brick dust is used for protecting a home, business, or other building. It keeps away negative energy, repels evil, and keeps unwanted and bad people away. The dust can be sprinkled in a line across the entrance of your home, sprinkled on windowsills, added to floorwashes or sachets, etc.

The thing is, I like to make most things myself and trying to grind a brick into powder form can be next to least if you don’t have the right tools on hand.

I found that a small Dremel does the job quickly and easily. Dremel sells a grinding attachment which is used specifically for grinding down stone and brick....just make sure to wear some protective goggles.

This tool makes it almost effortless and gives you as large amount of brick dust in a short amount of time ;)

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